I have just purchased the Henley pedestal eco stove from you, I note it can be used either for back or top flue which is interchangeable. We are using the top so would the back flue need blocking off with a plate or something, I am worried smoke will get into the room from the flue at the back, I didn’t find a little round plate to block it off? Also, inside the stove it is full of chipboard, does this need removing as I am sure this will just burn? I am not sure if it was just for transporting that it=t has these perfect wood pieces inside? Thanks
Good morning, thank you for your questions. With this Henley stove, you should have received a blanking plate which can be used to seal the rear exit on the stove. If you have not received this with your stove, please contact us and we can assist. The pieces of chipboard inside the stove are there to keep the firebricks in place so they don't move during transit. We hope this helps.